01 Characters & 3D Animation
Mapei is an international flooring company. We were hired to animate a series of examples to illustrate the degredation of flooring materials for a large semninar and for their website. They consisted on demonstrating the effects of emulsification of glue, curvature & expansion.

Mapei : 3d Animation & Visualization

Role: 3D Animation and Product Visualization

Contracted to develop our clients concepts of a custom online interactive mall. The project included 12 unique character choices and animation styles as well as the design of the mall corridor, elevator & featured exhibit. We were also hired to design the website & storefront templates. The client brought in a 3rd party developer to integrate our assets into the mall.


Role: Project Management, Logo, Website Interface Concept, 3D Animation

Informercial for Natural Golf. 3D Animation by Developmental Marketing.

Natural Golf

Role: 3D Animation

Developed for fun in our free time this project was developed to practice our concept & storyboarding as well as focusing on animation. Never fully completed it still served as a valuable lesson in concept development and animation.

Blink and the Peabodys

Role: 3D Animation

This project was developed in Maya to better learn the software and apply all concepts of the 3D Animation process.

Bad Dream

Role:3D Animation


Project Title

Role: 3D Modeling


Project Title

Role: 3D Animation


Surf NRG

Role:3D Animation

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